
This tutorial will go through the steps required to have your InControl system notify you if a leak is detected on your Aeon Labs water sensor. When moisture is detected an email or text message will be sent to you.

Associating the Device

In order for InControl to receive notifications from your water sensor it must be associated to the USB stick. Please note that associating a device is not the same as what you did when you included the device into your z-wave network. For this step to work, you must have already included the device.

To associate your sensor to your USB stick, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are using the z-wave beta controller (Tools/Options)
  2. Click your water sensor device
  3. Wake up your device by removing the cover and pressing the "wake" button
  4. Click the "Associations" button inside InControl (requires InControl Standard or Pro)
  5. A list of devices should load up. If it takes more than a handful of seconds you probably didn't get it woken up properly
  6. Check the USB stick/controller that InControl connects to
  7. Close the window
  8. Repeat steps 2-5 to verify that the USB stick is checked when the list of devices loads. If it does not, verify your wakeup sequence and try again.

Create the Scene

  1. Create a scene named "Water Alarm" and add your water sensor to it. Click the "Gear" icon and check "No Change." The "no change" option tells InControl not to attempt to change the value of the water alarm.
  2. In the pre-script, click browse and choose 'EmailSceneStatusReport.cs.' This script will send you an email with the status of each device in your scene.
  3. Click the triggers tab and add a new 'Device Trigger.' Choose your water sensor and check "open." Open is the status the device has when it detects water.
  4. Conclusion

    That's it! You should now test your water sensor by putting the metal pins on your sensor inside water. If everything is setup correctly, you should receive an email.