Garage Door Opener (Linear/Iris)

Submitted By Ryan S.

Manufacturer: Linear
Model #: GZ00Z

Compatible with Axial

This is the same door opener sold at Lowes marked under the Iris brand.

This opener must be included using the InControl software. It will not function if you use a controller such as the z-stick to include the device. Thus, you'll need to move your computer to the location of the installed device.

This opener may not function if the tilt sensor is not functional. To re-sync the sensor to the opener, following these steps:

1) Reset the GDC to default by pressing the button 5 times rapidly.
2) Put the battery back into the tilt sensor.
3) Re-pair the tilt sensor following these steps:

a. Press and hold the button on the side of the GDC for 7 seconds.
b. A short chirp will be heard.
c. Release the button.
d. Change the position of tilt sensor from vertical to horizontal or the
other way around (arrow on side of tilt pointing up to pointing down).
e. A short chirp will be heard.
(If the beep is not heard, repeat changing the position of the tilt sensor.)
f. The tilt sensor is now paired to the GDC.

4) Use the InControl software to REMOVE the GDC device.
5) Use the InControl software to ADD the GDC device.


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